Design rational

Learning and assessment
Marzano and Pickering (1997) have outlined what they believe teaching and learning consists of and the focus of assessment:
* learning consists of different ways of thinking that are represented by the Dimensions of Learning (p. 1)
* instruction consists of two aspects - teacher directed and student directed learning (p. 1)
* assessment should maintain a focus on the use of knowledge and complex reasoning (p. 2)
"Dimensions of Learning signify a changed approach to teaching and learning responsive to the rise of the creative knowledge economy ... They [Dimensions of Learning] are ideally suited to contemporary school education and so provide a focus for its systematic reform." (Graham, 2005, p. 38)

The Knowledge Economy
"Characteristic of the Knowledge Economy is an era of 'man-made brain power industries' (creativity) whwere there is rapid development, and the subsequent merging of new information and communication technologies, creating a global inter-connected economy" (Thurow, 2000, cited in...)

"Smith and Lynch (2006) argue this changed world means there are new problems to deal with, which in turn require new solutions. This phenomena has implications for people working in front-line industries such as education. One of which is a capacity for ongoing/life-long learning".

* knowledge exists in the world rather than in the head of the individual
* connectivism is the idea that everything exists as a part of a network and learning is the process of creating connections and developing a network
* learning and knowledge rests in a diversity of options
* learning is a process of connecting information sources
* learning may reside in non-human appliances
* capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known - life-long learning
* nurturing and maintaining connections is needed to facilitate continual learning
* ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill
* currency (accurate, up-to-date knowledge) is the intent of all connectivist learning activities
* decision making is itself a learning process. Choosing what to learn and the meaning of incoming information is seen throug the lens of a shifting reality. While there is a right answer now, it may be wrong tomorrow due to alterations in the information climate affecting the decision (Wikipedia Foundation Inc., 2010)

Putting it all together
The Knowledge Economy can be accessed by anyone however there are constraints such as location and time zoning that affect the timely access to any information sought by an individual. Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) can overcome these constraints. In order for ICTs to be the most effective means of overcoming these constraints within a learning enironment, teachers and instructors need to implement digital pedagogies. Pedagogies, digital or otherwise, must be effective in assuring that student learning outcomes are being achieved (Fasso, 2010). Pedagogies that achieve these outcomes are Productive Pedagogies.

Digital Pedagogies rely on pedagogically sound principles and instructional strategies that have been effectively moulded to suit an eLearning context (Waterhouse, 2005, p. 5). Fasso (2010) states that "eLearning involves improving teaching and learning using instructional strategies enhanced by technology, especially computer technology. At the basic level eLearning is using ICTs to engage, enhance, and extend learning in pedagogically sound, flexible, and innovative ways". In short, using ICTs to enhance learning by providing students with access to the Knowledge Economy in a safe and timely manner (Connectivism) is pedagogically sound practice.

Digital Pedagogies must cater to the needs of the learners. The teacher must correctly profile their cohort of learners in order to tailor a learning experience that will ensure learning outcomes are met. Whilst catering for the cohort, the teacher must remember that each learning has a "unique combination of prior experiences, prior knowledge, perceptions and attitudes, learning style, intelligence, personality, and temperament" (Fasso, 2010) and must therefore be flexible in their teaching strategies to cater for the specific needs of the individual as well as the cohort.

Conforming to Connectivism allows teachers to enhance the learning of their students by acknowledging that information and knowledge exists elsewhere (either in human or non-human ports) and that the use of ICTs allong with sound Digital Pedagogies and teaching strategies allow their students to access these ports in order to expand their own knowledge.

Fasso, W 2010, Manage eLearning, Central Queensland University e-Courses.
Graham, C 2005, Enterprise education: connecting schools with the creative knowledge economy', Pearson Education Australia, Frenches Forrest.
Marzano, RJ & Pickering, DJ 1997, Dimensions of learning: teacher's manual, Mid-continental Regional Education Laboratory, Colorado.
Waterhouse, S 2005, The power of eLearning: the essential guide for teaching in the digital age, Pearson Education Inc., Boston.
Wikipedia Foundation Inc. 2010, Connectivism, viewed 10th January 2011,