Lesson sequence

Lesson One – making a docu-drama
Collaborate with documentary producers via skype, email, podcast, etc.
* What is involved in making a docu-drama?
* What is the main aim or the overall goal of a docu-drama?
* How do you break down an entire docu-drama into segments or components?
* Putting it all together for the final product

Lesson Two and Three – Text analysis (the mundane) and creative writing
* View and interpret ‘Hamlet’
* Students will be given a copy of the script and are required to make notes showing their understanding of the script and how the characters interact with each other
* Various scenarios for docu-drama
                - Ophelia is ‘committed’ after the death of Polonius (interview with healthcare worker)
                - Hamlet is questioned by police about Polonius’ death (dramatisation for docu-drama)
                - Gertrude is questioned by Danish reporters about her stance on incest (interview)

Lesson Four
– Interview techniques and character analysis
Collaborate with local news network via skype, email, podcast, etc. – Ophelia and Gertrude scenario
* Guide to interviews
* Question techniques in different scenarios
* When interviewee does not answer the question
* Questioning people of different professions and/or social status
* Students are required to create a character profile for Gertrude

Lesson Five – Mental health and character analysis
Collaborate with local healthcare workers via skype, email, podcast, etc. – Ophelia scenario
* Mental health awareness
*Reasons for patient admissions
* Varying courses of treatment
* Successful treatment
* Unsuccessful treatment
* Students are required to create a character profile for Ophelia

Lesson Six – Suspect questioning and character analysis
Collaborate with police via skype, email, podcast, etc. – Hamlet scenario
* Basic investigation process
* Process for suspect questioning
* If questioning leads to an arrest….
* If questioning reaches a dead end….
* Students are required to create a character profile for Hamlet

Lesson Seven and Eight
– Scripting and filming (creative writing)
* Students are required to form small groups and script the interview/dramatisation for the docu-drama
* Students are required to script the narration of the docu-drama and complete a storyboard for the final product using 'storyboard tools' or similar
* Students are required to film their interview/dramatisation

Lesson Nine – editing the final product
* Students are required to edit their final product based on the information supplied by professionals using 'moviemaker' or similar

Lesson Ten – airing the docu-drama
* Docu-drama will be submitted to a production company that focuses on Shakespearean plays for feedback on their understanding of the play