Why this unit of work?

Senior Syllabus
Literacy is an integral part of the study of English, referring to reading, writing, speaking/signing, listening and viewing effectively in a range of contexts. In senior English, students read, write, speak, listen to and view complex texts for a variety of contexts and in a variety of mediums. They adjust and modify their use of language with increasing sophistication to meet varying contextual demands. Senior English includes and goes beyond the transactional and comprehension purposes of language; it in appreciative, evaluative and systematic study of text structures, ideas, language features and the social and personal uses of language and texts.

For senior English, literacy requires:

… a teaching and learning process (including assessment) which is focused on making … rather than merely reproducing uncritically what they have been taught, learners should be able to make sense of the world and develop their own perspectives.

Such study builds students’ knowledge about how language and texts are interpreted (through listening, reading and viewing) and created (through speaking/signing, writing and designing) in society. Students draw on these skills and understandings to interpret and create their own texts.

English subject selection
The subject guide for senior English outlines the texts that will be covered throughout the course - novels, short stories and poetry; scripted drama and drama performed as theatre; reflective texts such as biographies, autobiographies and journals; popular culture, media and multimodal works; spoken and written everyday texts of work, family and community life.
The subject guide also covers how the students will learn:
Students learn by working with language and texts. Learning experiences in English are designed to cater for the diverse range of learning styles, interests and abilities of senior students. They may include: individual, small group and whole class activities such as workshops, conferencing, debates and discussions reading, analysing and producing texts attending plays, films and forums listening to and interacting with guest speakers and experts.

The Australian curriculum for English will describe what students in Australian schools should learn in English from K (P)-12 across three interrelated strands:
  • Language - knowing about the English language
  • Literature - understanding, appreciating, responding to, analysing and creating literature
  • Literacy - growing a repertoire of English usage.
Students will have opportunities to learn about language, literature and literacy through:
  • speaking, listening to, reading and writing texts for different purposes and audiences
  • reading, writing, creating and revising texts in print and digital forms.